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Monday, March 25, 2019

How to judge the quality of a print job?

As a client, how do you judge the quality of print?
What makes a good quality print and what makes it a bad one?

As a printing press focused on quality we can tell you the things we pay attention to:

1 - Consistency

Having one print turn out good is one thing, having all the quantity needed is another.
In order to have consistent output, we need excellence in our work:
Our employees must work correctly each step or the way.
Our suppliers must be consistent.
Our machines must be well calibrated and maintained.

How to check for it: During delivery, take samples from the entire quantity and compare them to your approved sample. Check for paper quality, print colors, sizes, marks...

2 - The right material

Selecting the right material for the right job is crucial and needs an experienced professional. If you are working in a specific industry, you need to work with a professional that has experience with companies in your field. There are a multitude of paper, inks, laminates that look the same to the untrained eye but can make or break a printing job.
For example, there are papers that withstand humidity. This might be irrelevant for some jobs like flyers or posters but highly necessary water or juice bottle labels.
Another example is the use of food grade inks for food trays where there is direct contact with food to avoid poisoning your customers.

How to check for it: You need to use a sample even if it seems simple. You won't imagine how small details can have a huge impact. You have to take a sample and put it in the exact condition of use.

3 - Color reproduction

You need your printing professional to have a full understanding of color reproduction. Depending how your images are processed, color profiles must be adjusted to match your requirements.
Because each printer use different equipment, supplies ... Matching material from printer to printer is near impossible. Make sure the differences only exist when it does not matter.

How to check for it: Compare high resolution proofs with originals and ultimately with printed output. In theory, you shouldn't be able to see any difference but in reality there always are. Make sure those differences only appears where it doesn't matter.

I hope these information have been of some help to you.
Let me know if you have any comment or want to add anything!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

How to sell a book?

You have published your own book and you want to sell it.

Here is a guideline of how you should go about it:

1 - Set your expectations

You won't get rich quickly. Most royalties for a book after a year of online and small scale distribution are around 500$ after a year. Most titles take time and effort until they reach a tipping point.

2 - Set your objectives

You have to decide what your objective is. You want to make a living out of it? You want to promote something in specific? You want to use your books to reach new audiences ?
It's important to know what you want from your book.

3 - Set attainable goals

Create a time line and set what you have to accomplish in the long run and each step of the way. Stick to it and you will find success.

4 - Make your book available

There are three main ways to make your book available: In stores, at events and online.
In each country there are certain distributors that make your book available in bookstores. Research which one is best for you.

5 - Promote

Once your book is available, you need to create the need and awareness.
- Build the hype: While getting the book ready, make people know that something is coming. Be careful though, people get bored quickly and need to be constantly interested in what you are preparing.
- Make a great release: When your book is ready, invite as many people as you can, tell everyone to come to the events you are doing to set the release of your books. These events have a great impact on the overall sucess of your book.
- Direct sales: Contact institutions and corporations that would be interested in your books. Large corporation do end of year gifts. Schools are interested in new books to add to the curiculum...
- Online influence: Being active in forums can drive interest and sales in your book. Get your book to be reviewed by the major websites. Online is the new word of mouth.

6 - Plan your next book

Never stop at one book. You are benefiting from the experience you got from the first one. Go one and make another one.
Book sales create passive income that you'll be happy you have a few years from now.

Let us know if you have a comment!

Aleph print - Live presentation with Mr. Nicolas Dahan

My name is  Nicolas Dahan , I am the owner and manager of  Aleph . It’s a large scale printing press and we specialize in packaging, pub...